Saturday, June 25, 2011


Welcome to Harvest Moon Alternate Universe Crossovers. If you don't really fathom that title, it's pretty much like this: Harvest Moon is a video game about farming. Really, really bizarre choice of genre but it's strangely addictive and not all it's about. One of the most enjoyable aspects about it is that it's also a bit of a dating simulator. Yes, you get to pick who you marry and perhaps even raise a family. Rune Factory even threw in a bit of fighting. Win, win, in any case.

Now for the "alternate universe", you need to understand that this game is "E". I remember waiting for A Wonderful Life within the series and being thrown by "Suggestive Themes" being in it's ESRB ratings. Oh, and those were some subtle themes, let me tell you. Except for Muffy outright telling you, the controllable character, "you're sexy", it's not a game targeted at someone that wants sex and blood and all that good stuff. So if you've read my fanfictions, you know why that "AU" part is necessary.

If you are new, you should know that my fanfictions target at very mature aspects of life such as drug addiction, alcoholism, rape, miscarriages...if I haven't tackled it yet, it will be tackled. I love the game, believe me. But some of it seems aggressively innocent and it's just kind of interesting to "taint" these characters into real people.

Don't be fooled, it's realistic but there are some Harvest Moon aspects kept in tact such as aging. No one really ages in my story unless they were designed to. A bit of a "The Simpsons" continuity, if you will. And Steiner (Skye) and his children have what I call "ninja" genes. I probably just read too much D.N. Angel for Steiner to be a 'normal' phantom thief.

Other than that, I've been going at it for seven years and enjoyed all the people that have enjoyed it. This series is one of the few that I've actually finished stories in as my original stories, I just keep getting creative ideas and abandoning. Not the case with Harvest Moon and I'm glad for that.

On this blog, I plan to list long biographies about characters and random ideas and really just anything that comes to mind. Welcome!

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