Saturday, June 25, 2011

Setlist for the Future of the Serie's Short Stories :)

Hello, readers! I have, indeed, not died. I have been in a very artsy
mood, alas, I have also spent a week and a half outlining.

I thought since I went without an outline all through Yume it'd be
okay but admittedly, Third Generation had me confuzzled. And I
figured since I was going to outline Third Generation, let's do ALL of
them! Took WAY longer than I thought XD

I love that you have to be a PREMIUM member to post images in
HTML, totally makes sense, Deviant Art. I'll post my images on my, I realized, well, these forums are kind of lame and I'm a
well-known ranter so I'll just blog profiles and randomness about
the stories. Here's the link to that, will also be on my main page:

Nothing there yet, but soon. I went into some of my old files so I
can even show off old pictures of Koji and the gang (DYK that
Koji's literally eleven years old?).

So here's the *PROJECTED* length of each story, no particular
order. I have each chapter planned down to minute details but I
can't be sure if the chapters will get too huge or not in the outlines
but these should be in the ballpark.

Retrospect/Past Stories (I.E. stories with characters like Shin):

In the Beginning (Yamada and Dana): 8 + Extra
Tony's Story: 2
Shaun's Story: 3
Shin's Story: 5

Kids of Dynamic Six Stories:
What I Do I Do for Us (Vaughn, Tony x Karen's son): 1
Street Corner II (Miru, Koji x Popuri): 5 + Extra
Feeling This (Takeru, Jill x Cliff): 14
The Artist (Nara, Shin x Lyla): 1
On a Mission (Koushirou, Shin x Lyla): 2

Grandkids of Dynamic Six:
Third Generation (Skye, Kaede x Steiner; Iori, Celia x Keiji; Hayato,
Carrie x Kurt): 10
Lest I Forget (Emma, Kurt x Carrie): 5
These Eyes (Tsumaru, Jilliana x Azuma): 5
Number (Usa, Jilliana x Azuma): 2
From Each One (Lara, Keiji x Celia): 4
In a Big Country (Sachiko, Kaede x Steiner): 8
My Hime (Felicie, Kaede x Steiner): 5
Futago (Shinji, Rosa x Chihaya): 3
Consequences (Fujiwako, Jyun x Roomi):8
Affairs of the Heart (Kairi, Gwen x Kyo): 4
Letters (Kairi, Gwen x Kyo): 6
Private Dance (Bethany, Gwen x Kyo): 6
Rivalry (Kaori, Julius x Hoshiko): 3
Don't Speak (Miyako, Julius x Hoshiko): 7 + Extra
The Clash (Akira, Julius x Hoshiko): 7
Emotion (Claire, Carrie x Kurt): 3
Sharks (Jack, Carrie x Kurt): 4
Trust (Kamon, Jyun x Roomi): 3
Doesn't Happen in Real Life (Chika, Rosa x Chihaya): 7 (+?)

Answers (What happened between Nelly and Elli): 5
No Other Way (Extra with Gwen's friends): 3
Daddy Knows Best (Update on Sara, Gwen's sister): 2
Reunion (Keiji dedication; Calvin and Phoebe): 1
Dirty (Koji flashback): 3
Inner Vision (Roomi and Jyun extra): 4

So yea, quite a bit...and a few of those are really large for short
stories but, y'know. Look forward to that and check for updates
on the blog often. See you soon!

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