Thursday, February 6, 2014

Dirk Middleton (Otome Bachelor) "Perfection"

Dirk's "perfection"
This one irks me far less than Chika's did...but it's still kind of like...really? Dirk's perfect?

This more of an insult to
me. How have you been with me this long and fathom I write 'perfect' characters? Everyone's effed up in this universe!

'Dirk's issue is he just cares too much. That's almost Mary Sue stuff!'. I've honestly already played with this concept not one story back with Yuki Chronicles. Sachiko's biggest downfall was failing to consider what she wanted and almost allowing the person that loved her to also fall to unhappiness along with her. Still kind of 'that's not a character flaw!'. OBJECTION!

There is 'being a sacrifice' and then there is being so devoted to one person where your own desires and well-being fail to exist. This isn't even in the realm of 'I want you to be happy!'. In both cases it was "I attained this relationship, you consensually want this relationship, but for
your own good, I'll give it up so you can be happy". Understand? There is no virtue in this. Yes, should it arise that Chika chose Kaoru over Dirk, he probably will gracefully step back.

But I have written Dirk as insecure about this as I possibly could. One of my rare 'woah, that kind of sucks' lines I wrote and came back and reread was the one when they were dating and Chika was in high school. In his imagination, Kaoru could come out of nowhere at any time and take her away from him. This is not a
comfortable feeling, you don't want to feel like someone important to you is a breath away from leaving your side.

And yes, that
is mistrust. Dirk does not trust that Chika will stay with him, he is literally having panic attacks thinking about her leaving him. Dirk adores Chika and a human being doesn't deal well losing something they adore. He likes to think he'll be okay giving her away but fact of the matter is he won't be. Do recall one fact about Dirk compared to the other two that Eiji mentioned in this chapter. He's devoted but he's constantly in doubt. This is not a perfection, no matter what romantic spin anyone tries to put on it. Continual longstanding doubt doesn't equal 'Mary Sue'. I might agree if he overcame it in a matter of chapters but that's just not the case. Oh, and if he's just too amazing unbiased about women's rights and freedoms, well, no, I wasn't going to write Chika with a sleazebag.

As for Chika and him just being so 'perfect' together, as mentioned in my rebuttal for Chika, I'm still not understanding how having fun on dates and being nice to one another just levels out to being "sickeningly perfect". Take a brief moment to ponder the series and their couplings: aren't they
all charming motherf—kers at some point or another while wooing their lady? And you know what, Dirk is definitely going to extra tap into that charm because of aforementioned insecurity. So yes, if you don't like Dirk because he's not your bias and you're team Kaoru or Matt, fine. But don't say I've written a perfect character, it makes me sad inside.

Hideyoshi Chika (Otome) "Changed"

I'll get it out of the way: yes, perception of Chika can change because she ends up being “smitten” with Dirk.
But I mean, how dare she be such a stoic character with quirks that meets someone, becomes friends with them, realizes she has feelings for them and feels threatened with jealousy, works through dating while discovering they share interests, enjoy sex, and makes her feel fuzzy? Why, it worked well when her even more stoic father meets Rosa, starts becoming friends with her, realizes she has feelings for her and feels threatened with jealousy when she might hook up with another, stumbles through dating because he doesn't have a whole lot of experience and is insecure, discovers they do share interests like video games, definitely enjoy sex, and she makes him feel like the most special man alive.

So yes, I apologize, that was bitchy sarcasm. I had to get it out of my system for proper discussion.

However, I can not really jump on the 'she's not like Chihaya at all' bandwagon. Her story is similar to her father's in many ways. There are the 'drunk scenes' and her enjoying partying, something Chihaya rarely dabbles in. However, you know who he will dabble in them with? His wife. Chika's just got some of her mother's immunity to alcohol and being around Georgia like Rosa was around Max brought out a kind of different social nature. If you've read Yume, remember in the Solar club scene before the big Mai blow out? Chihaya (like Dirk) is temporarily shocked by Rosa being so confident and dances with Max (Georgia in the future) in the situation but realizes it's not the end of the world where as Katie seems shocked by Rosa's behavior for a while (like her son, Kaoru). Kaoru is inflexible with the behavior, more remnant of Mai, but the whole scene is a mirror of the past in Yume...I never intended for Chika to be seen as 'changed too much' because she did things that her parents did.

As already mentioned in my first paragraph, there are very few differences with her father's love life and hers. Chihaya met Rosa on something of a whim, Katie and Mai requesting he hire her and then Nyoko, Cliff's sister and owner of the Yume chain, telling him to hire her to help Rosa out. He was unwilling. Chika is just minding her own business when she sees Dirk and she's pretty unwilling to help him initially herself. They both reluctantly aid Rosa and Dirk respectively and through it discover a relationship with them that leads to friendship. Chihaya and Rosa have a dinner with each other on 'burger night' and a few other miscellaneous activities before they even date much like Chika takes Dirk with her on Russell's dog dates and to do random things with. There is a turning point where Rosa shows her deep consideration for Chihaya even when she's upset and Chika begins to consider Dirk as early as him giving her a birthday present he deeply pondered over. I don't think I have to express the vast similarities of the confession scenes either.

Chika is normal with Dirk, in my writing opinion. Chika asks all her friends to go with her places and to different degrees they have fun. Is it different because her and Dirk go and he enjoys himself? Dirk is from an antiquated village, he is written as a curious character so I wasn't thinking he was being too “suck up perfect” because he both enjoyed seeing new things and being with Chika. Why date someone if you aren't going to enjoy their company? And yes, Dirk makes her kind of sheepish and embarrassed but again, Chihaya was always saying sappy things with Rosa and getting flustered. And is it impeccably wrong that yes, in her eyes, Dirk is attractive? Does Chihaya not still to this very fanfic day not call Rosa the prettiest sexiest woman ever? He's always verbally admiring her, just like Chika expresses simply about Dirk that 'he's sexy'.

Chika gets annoyed with Kaoru badmouthing and yelling about Dirk because
yes, this is someone she likes and yes, I have had my best friend badmouth the guy I like over superficial things, you don't just think 'huh, maybe you're right!' automatically, you get a wee bit angry and defensive. It's not just the person they're insulting, it's someone that has grown on you enough that you like them and that friend doesn't even know them that well but chooses to talk about them. And this is also not to say they're wrong or I devalue what a good friend says because I like someone and that's all that matters. No. However, who is going to pleased with any friend not only micromanaging them like they're an idiot but saying the guy you like that they didn't even take the time to talk to is garbage? Remnant of her father? Well, he was none too pleased when Juro spoke about superficial matters with Rosa either, old super mean Juro calling her a 'slut' despite not having met her at all. Juro always spoke badly about Rosa to a point and like Chika he deflated it...until that point, and he blew up like Chika blew up on Kaoru despite trying to stay calm with him. Again, not that much of a stretch.

Well, what about poor Kaoru then? She doesn't see him, she starts disregarding him. Know whose son Kaoru is? Carl's. Carl, whom I wrote an entire chapter about being jealous that Chihaya was becoming more dedicated to Rosa and even making new friends which I will slightly point out sounds rather familiar, ay? Chihaya expresses some question of Carl's sexuality given his clinginess of him but writes it off as Carl just used to it being one way and one way only. This is not precisely an always endearing trait, readers. Yes, we want that friend forever and we're lucky when we find them. But that does not create the right for you to be sole possessor of that person and their ability to have other relationships. And ship or not, Chika (before this chapter) has feelings for Kaoru as her absolute best friend, not as potential guy she could date. She doesn't understand his jealousy because she sees him as always her best friend, just like Chihaya always saw Carl as his best friend even when he met other people. The only difference here is Chika's a woman and Kaoru has romantic and intimate feelings for her that she doesn't fathom. Nonetheless, Chika is no more disregarding Kaoru than Chihaya was disregarding Carl.

I'm not one to jump on conclusions. I make it a habit to balance and see from both sides and articulate multiple reasons why something occurs rather than instantly cling to the standby -ism's. I can understand if I've failed in keeping the story a slightly different rendition of Chihaya's a clear telling, that seems quite likely. But one of my readers I follow on tumblr posts about the female protagonist in actual otome games getting the brunt of blame for things ultimately beyond the story's control or just because she's the 'weak female'. I think characterization can play a lot into opinion and I can tell you characters I don't care for for 'x' reason. HOWEVER, given that Chika's life isn't wildly different than her fathers before her and she gets the 'I can't believe she changed so much' treatment, an actual
plot point for her father in Yume that I can't recall anyone decrying him of, I really can't imagine why. I won't call gender comparisons but c'mon, cut my girl some slack here.

And as I said at the beginning, if there's any specific other reason you can say she's changed then I'd be interested in reading them. Additionally, this is still not meant to be a slight, just a author's confusion on the perception.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Legacy: Shin Yagami

Unwritten spoilers will be whited out.
Name: Shin (David) Yagami 
(Typically Japanese names don't have middle names but Yamada's children and their children have continued this tradition)
Year Born: 1980
Hair Color: brunette
Eye Color: blue
Height: 6'1" (185 cm)
Ethnicity: ¾ Japanese, ¼ American
Career: Police lieutenant; military sergeant
Introduced in: Steps Toward the Future
Parents: Yagami Dana (mother) and Yagami Yamada (father)
Girlfriend/Spouse: Yagami (nee Okamoto) Lyla
Children: Hotaru, Nara, Koushirou 
Siblings: Shin, Koji, Nerimaru (Nelly), Tony, Jill, Shaun

History:  In the case of Shin, ALL of his history will be a spoiler. Beware. Yagami Shin was born to then Kobayashi Dana and Yagami Yamada. Due to circumstances surrounding Dana's family, some of his early life was spent in the sole custody of his father. His parents were quite young when he was born, his mother barely sixteen. Yamada would spend years in college aiming for his medical degree and working to support them thus Shin spent quite a lot of time with their neighbor. While the woman seemed annoyed with Yamada's plea, she later would say he was the type of child a very lucky parent would have. He was quiet and helpful, never complained, and was never messy. 

Yamada saw his mother sporadically the first five years of his life, aware of the woman and also aware that she wasn't allowed to be a permanent fixture in his life along with his somewhat younger brothers. While he wondered precisely why they were separated, he didn't ask too many questions as his father assured him that soon they'd all be together. One day all of them ended up living together and he was tasked with getting used to his siblings and mother living with them under roof. Alas, Shin comfortably accepted the change. He was also very concerned about Koji's well-being after a series of events he gets clued in over time merely to avoid letting Koji find out about them. Knowing this, he became somewhat protective of them all, recognizing in his babysitter's household the role of the older brother amongst her children.

When Yamada was given a promotion and he bought a house, Shin was pleased about having a huge back yard. Very active, he would often go exploring their large grounds by himself. One day, he ended up in a neighbor's yard and found a young girl swinging there. He became youthfully enamored when she saw him and invited him to play. He learned that her name was Okamoto Lyla and they'd just moved in next door as well. Shin was quite intrigued with her, having never met anyone with attributes as unique as hers. As Lyla was an only child, she was happy to have children close to her age nearby and her and Shin easily became good friends. 

As the years continued and they got older, Shin started to recognize that his feelings for Lyla weren't platonic but romantic. However, by that point Lyla was considered more a sister in the family than anything else, staying over with him and even spending vacations with the family. Unsure if he could comfortably suggest it, one of their classmates started to show interest in her and they began to date, much to Shin's disgruntlement. 

Shin was quite popular with girls in high school but as a result of his feelings for Lyla didn't really date anyone. On the other hand, he had a lot of male friends as well, often going to concerts and out to eat with them. During one of these ventures, he found out that one of the guys at school had a thing for Lyla and that he was sort of a creepy type of guy. Shin wasn't sure what to make of that but grouchily thought that her boyfriend would have to deal with it then.

Nonetheless, Shin is horrified when he gets home and finds Lyla in tears, telling him about how her boyfriend abandoned her to walk home by herself and she thought she saw someone following her. Shin held her until she fell asleep, angry enough to confront her boyfriend the next day. The boy merely scoffed and told him to just take care of her since everyone knew how into her he was. Shin was hurt when Lyla defended him by saying they weren't like that all and never could be. Playing it off with her, Shin told himself to get over it. 

With graduation looming, Shin realized he had no real goals. One of his friends suggested he join the military so he could 'find himself'. While his parents weren't too happy about the choice, they supported him and he signed up. Lyla was very upset about him leaving for boot camp and additionally  about his subsequent ignoring her after the course of events with her boyfriend. He finally confessed that he had and always would have feelings for her but would never want to make her uncomfortable. Lyla did seem a bit puzzled by his feelings but told him while he was away she would consider them closely.

Shin did very well in boot camp, always active in sports during school. Upon returning home, he is met by Lyla who is happy he's back, asking shyly if they could try to date one another. Shin reluctantly agrees, thinking she's not a hundred percent on the idea. Alas, the two are happy together until Shin is deployed to help in the Kosovo War. Lyla is frightened for him and starts to question if, in the future, things of this nature happened would all she be able to do is stay home and worry about him. Shin wonders this too and they both mutually agree to break up while they consider where they were in their lives.

During the conflict, Shin is promoted to private first class and then corporal. In the alternate universe, women have always been allowed to serve in combat and Shin's promotion is met by contention by Felicity Godwin, a private whom thinks her gender is the cause of her lack of promotion. Shin is puzzled by her animosity at first but hearing about her service record starts to think she is the victim of some sort of discrimination. Alas, it comes to his attention that many women in her class had been promoted to sergeant and sergeant first class. He finally sits down with her and asks if there was perhaps another reason. While evasive, she admits after a while that the army fears showing favoritism to her as her father used to be a general and now is a politician. She complains that her efforts are played down in order to not look bad. Shin thinks it isn't fair but she comes to the conclusion that the important part is serving their country. Surprising himself, Shin is attracted to her determination in the face of unfairness and asks their higher ups to reconsider promoting her. They don't but he continues to vouch for her. They eventually put her in his group and tell him to make her prove her loyalty.

Disgruntled, Shin finds himself in wilderness with his brigade attempting to deactivate a bomb buried by enemy forces. Successfully completing the task, their commander is taken injured and Shin along with two other higher ups start to direct the group back to their helicopters and Humvee. When Shin gets there, he realizes that Felicity is missing and tells the others to retreat while he goes to find her. Rushing back into the forest, he finds she'd been hit with some sort of gaseous weapon and quickly takes her into hiding within the thicket. They hold their ground for three days, Shin slowly making his way toward an allied base while carrying the injured Felicity. She asks him to tell her things to help her stay away and he tells her about his family and friends and Lyla. Felicity wonders about relationships and tells him her father and her never agreed but that he was always the nicest man she knew. Shin chastised her about speaking so gloomily and gave her a smile, saying she'd have to stay alive and beat his ranking. She agreed and started to walk on her own.

The two finally arrived and were sent back to their base. Both were treated for injuries but Felicity ended up staying in the infirmary longer. One night when Shin was preparing to go home and see his parents, on leave, Felicity stops him and asks if she'll come walk with her. They go for a walk and speak to one another about their duties and eventually about where they wanted to be. Felicity admits she'd rather study medicine to help those in the field while Shin would like to one day use his skills to become a police officer. Shin realizes that he feels comfortable with her, telling her this. Though fearful, Felicity admits she likes him too and that she doesn't expect she's as pretty as Lyla but that she's a lucky woman. Shin thinks they're both beautiful and the two end up sleeping together before Shin departs. 

The next day, just about to go home, Shin gets news that Felicity was in the hospital due to internal hemorrhaging. Rushing to see her, alarmed as he'd just seen her not long ago. However, when he arrives, he finds out that she had lost all brain function. Shin is utterly flabbergasted, demanding to know what happened. Autopsies seemed to believe it had something to do with the gas from the attack and that the days they were out in the wilderness caused internal rupturing. Heartbroken, Shin asks for extended leave and goes back to Subami.

Everyone wants to know what happened when Shin was missing but he is less than talkative about the matter, not wanting to admit it even happened. Shin keeps to himself for some weeks before Lyla finally comes to see him. He doesn't want to talk about it especially with her but she tells him that she'd been so frightened she'd never see his face again when they said he was missing. All she'd been able to think about was him being hurt or dead and she'd not slept at all. She didn't ask him merely what happened but if he was alright. Finally breaking down, he told her about everything including Felicity. Lyla isn't upset with him but allows him to lament, holding him while he wonders why it happened the way it did. He feels that Lyla was even more justified in not wanting to be with him if their lives were on the line. Lyla disagrees and says that she'd want to be with him to know that he'd always make it back okay.

Over time, Shin recovers and eventually he and Lyla do continue their relationship. He finds it to be much healthier than before, the woman supporting his efforts a hundred percent and Shin supporting her while she opened her business. Eventually, after Koji is wed, he asks her to marry him and two tie the knot in a small comfortable ceremony. Together they have three children, two girls and a son.

Personality: Shin is a particularly calm character, rarely riled up, except in cases like Yume where he grabs Adam Parker and hoists him up out of anger, or led to act out. Unlike his impassioned brothers, he looks at everything from a reasonable standpoint. He has the pragmatism of his mother and the spirit of his calmed father. He's also a little more reserved than his rambunctious brothers, seeing their partying ways as cause to be reckless.

Relationships: Shin is closest to his father out of his two parents, the man having been their everyday to some degree from day one. He loves his mother and though the disconnect has closed, to some degree he's at least a bit distant from her. Despite having gone five years of their life not being together, Shin is fairly close with his younger brothers. He tries to keep them out of trouble usually, Nelly even remarking that he and Koji would be in jail to this day if it weren't for Shin in the short At the Bar. While Shin is a bit more permissive, he's also as protective as Koji and Nelly of their only baby sister, Jill. Naturally Shin cares about them but he doesn't seem as close with Shaun and Tony as the others.

Shin and Lyla aren't fluffy lovey, really, but the two are cozy with one another. Shin thinks the world of his wife and does all he can to keep her happy. Lyla is a doting wife as well and is understanding of her husband's career that sometimes keeps him away from home for long periods of time. Unlike Koji and most of the other male figures in the family, he wasn't as protective when his daughter married. In the long run, he's usually fond of Joe, his son-in-law, his daughter's boyfriend, Angelo, and is also close with his daughter-in-law, Lynette, both of them having the military experience in common.


In Chapter 14 of Yume, titled Reverse, it is found out that Shin, during his and Lyla's first break up and before he is deployed, that he ends up sleeping with Chihaya's mother, Julia, when going to check on Koji in college. Lyla grows quite upset, saying she thought she was his "only". Shin apparently did not tell her about Felicity either...

Despite being the oldest, Shin is actually a later character that had gone missing in some ludicrous affair in my original version before showing back up to speak with Koji (if I recall my 11-year-old stupidity, he got washed away in the ocean for some reason...).

Shin is based on the Save the Homeland/ Hero of Leaf Valley character. His hair is typically long enough to put in a ponytail but usually keeps it trimmed because of his duties.

As of Chapter 30 of Yume, Shin's military ranking is Major General.

A mystery as he should have been fired for some time now, Shin is the key to all of his sibling's ability to gain the intelligence they needed. The biggest flex of power had to be Shin allowing Koji and Nelly to get past security to beat up attempted rapist Makita Hoji in Jewel in the Rough not to mention him walking into an American prison and commandeering the arrest of Adam Parker.

The events of Shin's history will be told in story format in Trees.

Legacy: Yagami (nee Kobayashi) Dana

Name: Yagami (nee Kobayashi) Dana
Year Born: 1964
Hair Color: brunette
Eye Color: brown
Height: 5'5" (165 cm)
Ethnicity: Japanese
Career: Fashion Designer
Introduced in: Steps Toward the Future

Parents: Kobayashi Kimi (mother) and Kobayashi Atsuhiro (father)
Boyfriend/Spouse: Yagami Yamada
Children: Shin, Koji, Nerimaru (Nelly), Tony, Jill, Shaun

History:  In the case of Dana, ALL of her history will be a spoiler. Beware. Kobayashi Dana was born to affluent "old money" parents Kobayashi Atsuhiro and Kimi in upper Subami, a rich neighborhood first mentioned in Yume. In perspective, in Chapter 13 of Yume, Chihaya describes to Rosa's aunts that he's from Wensington Heights, a recurring wealthy neighborhood in the series, by saying it's "way south of Subami". In other words, it's a super rich neighborhood but it's still not Subami. The Kobayashi Family owns a prominent shipping and manufacturing firm for various products. While Atsuhiro, as oldest in the family, acts as president of Kobayashi, Dana's mother was a housewife. 

Dana has two older brothers and an older sister and as the youngest became almost inconsequential.
Raised in a upper class home, she took on some of the influences of her family, being almost snobby, pragmatic, and pretentious. Alas, Kimi was the first to note some of her youngest child's disparities from her other children. Whereas she commanded they all wear plain "dignified" toned clothes, Dana often expressed more interest in bright colors in styles conforming to current fads. Also, unlike Dana's sister who was learning skills to be the lady of the house, she showed a "masculine" affinity for business. Kimi found Dana much too headstrong and threatened her antics with the possibility of boarding school. Dana would then spend most of her adolescence in fear of being sent away thus she hid her interests from her parents and siblings.

While Dana attended Miba Junior High, she was never expected to need to go to high school as she was engaged to marry Kamaishi Domon when she came of age. Dana had no interest in the man, five years older than she, but kept quiet about it as she'd been brought up to follow the "order of things". In the end, she just assumed it wouldn't matter whom she married, she wouldn't love anyone either way. One day, Dana's wealthy companion and schoolmate Hachiko asked her to come with another group of friends to meet her boyfriend, Yagami Yamada. As Dana didn't see the sense in dating someone when Hachiko was also in an arranged marriage, she went just to chastise the occurrence. She is further put off when Hachiko enters into a much poorer region. While Hachiko states that Dana will probably be judgmental since he's "sickeningly poor", Dana just recognizes Hachiko's affinity for dating merely out of a fascination rather than interest, further proven when she informs the group that he's a "half-breed".

When they meet Yamada, Dana is instantly put off. He was older than them and she figured he was a womanizer because of how attractive he was. She ultimately tells him this, forward to an almost fault, and is shocked when he retorts that she's a "prudish busybody". Dana is not used to being spoken to that way and following the meeting, the two carry on an antagonist relationship.

By strange coincidences, Dana still ends up spending time with Yamada because of Hachiko and running into him while he's at work. She observes for as frivolous as he is in his free time that he's a hard worker, picking up the slack for those around him that weren't working to full potential. She secretly admires that much about him but wonders why he sleeps around and parties so much as well as why he can be so snippy with her. One day, Yamada actually sees her and questions what she was doing. Dana decides to compliment his work ethic despite knowing he might take it the wrong way. Instead, Yamada says nothing and asks if she will be going to the beach with the group the following day. Dana hadn't been aware such a venture was taking place and hurt, tries to write it off as being busy. Yamada doesn't believe her and says to meet them at Hachiko's house in the morning. Dana, despite having been snubbed by her friends, is still excited, having never gone to the beach with people and goes home to choose the bathing suits she'd been making in her free time.

The next day, Dana is still happy about going but her female company is far from it. When Dana removes her dress and is met with them ignoring her even more, she realizes that it is probably because of her rather matured body, something even her mother and sister call "disdainful". Deflated, she sits by herself on the blanket, waving off the attention of the men who were taken with her. To her surprise, Yamada comes to sit beside her and asks if she'd like to go get some ice cream instead of "mope around like she'd done something". Dana begrudgingly accepts the invitation and spends a majority of the trip with Yamada. Hachiko is furious and declares that she find her own way back to which Yamada remarks he can probably score them a motorcycle to ride back. Instead of allowing the two the proximity, Hachiko just lets them ride back with them. Dropping her off, Dana thanks Yamada for his attention and calls Hachiko later to inform her that she doesn't want the girl's boyfriend. Hachiko stuns her by saying that wasn't how it looked at all and that together they'd always looked very much like a couple. Hanging up on her, Dana writes off Hachiko's remarks as delusional as she was engaged and it was impractical to start liking someone on her own.

All the same, after the beach trip Dana finds herself speaking with Yamada more, often hanging out with him after school while he worked his mechanic job. He'd asked if there was anything else she'd rather do than be a housewife to which she told him about how she'd always wanted to be a fashion designer. Despite conforming to her mothers sense of style, she was still secretly enthralled with styles and colors and design. She even bought her own material from time to time to make clothes. Yamada questions why she doesn't do it then. She counters that it's not the way it's supposed to be and if it were that easy would he not be doing something else himself? Yamada shrugs it off but still maintains that should she have a dream, others shouldn't make another for her. 

Dana wondered about that for a while and in that time discovered one of her favorite American musicians, David Bowie, was coming to perform in Tokyo. She's secretly maintained her admiration of his music and thought that perhaps her parents would allow her to go since they usually didn't care what she did. However, they both refused, telling her it 'was below them' and that they didn't appreciate her enjoyment of 'foreign garbage'. Heartbroken, she remembered what Yamada said about letting others calculate her dreams and went to him to see what she could possibly do about making it to the show. Yamada is ultimately surprised she also likes Bowie and offers to go with her, saying he knew someone that could get them in. Dana is delighted and the two make the journey to Tokyo on his motorcycle. After the concert, contented, she thanks Yamada for helping her. He assured her that should she give it a try, there was no reason she couldn't have the things she reasonably wanted.  

Around that time she realized that she had grown to like Yamada. Alarmed, she tried to convince herself of how ridiculous that was and engage in other affairs. No matter what though she ended up back with him doing something as Hachiko had started to completely ignore her. She grew upset thinking Yamada recognized her childish affection for him when he himself started growing antsy and awkward around her. On her birthday, a party was held merely for appearances and she met with her fiance. He told her she was rather pretty but that she not get too ahead of herself for he had no intention of loving her. While the same attitude she'd held prior to meeting Yamada, she wasn't happy with the comment now. A cook in the kitchen informed her she had a call, interrupting the exchange. It was Yamada and he told her to meet him outside in about twenty minutes. Shocked and scared someone might see him and thus chase him off, Dana went out and found Yamada had brought her a cupcake, lighting it for her and wishing her 'Happy Birthday', seeming a little troubled he couldn't find anything 'worthy of her'. Dana, with his decree as she'd never had a birthday cake, made a wish for him and wondered if she could believe such things would come true.

Very moved and smitten with Yamada, she took to the kitchen, taking an interest that perplexed the Kobayashi servants in learning how to cook. She pleaded they keep it a secret from her mother and they agreed, helping Dana compose lunch for Yamada in return for his gesture on her birthday. She'd rushed to where he worked only to find Hachiko also there. Dana was horrified, reminded that Yamada was Hachiko's boyfriend before finding herself jealous. Alas, when Hachiko saw her with her gift, she instantly started yelling and screaming about how Yamada was now spending more time with Dana than herself. Though Hachiko called Dana a floozy and a whore, to which Yamada responded he wanted to end the relationship, she was more incensed when Hachiko declared that he was just a poor half-breed anyway. Dana reported that if Hachiko thought those things then she didn't deserve him and that she would take him from her. Yamada went with her bold proclamation and the two started dating.


The days they spent dating, Dana spent a lot of time with Yamada in the small apartment where he and his single mother lived. Hachiko had stated that she refused to go, figuring it was rat and roach infested. Dana found it was very comfortable and clean and liked how pleasant it was. Yamada stated it was fine, just he wished it were in a better area. The two went on smaller dates, often to the park and local diner, and Yamada seemed bothered by his inability to do anything better for her. Dana found that she much preferred these intimate settings, finding upper end ventures impersonal. She became aware that Yamada desired sex some months into their relationship but she was reluctant and nervous so she put up boundaries that he, surprisingly to her, respected. Dana found out she was to attend a party in the following week and decided to get Yamada in so he could see exactly how her family thought she was supposed to live. Yamada revealed to her he didn't even own a suit so she excitably went to work making one for him.

At the ritzy party, Dana was kept busy being introduced to potential buyers and partners of her family so she ended up not being able to speak to Yamada at all. She's happy to learn later that he'd made a friend of Izumi Craig, a politician's son, but was unhappy he thought he wasn't good enough for her. Dana thinks that is far from the case and when she settles into declaring she loved him, he called to demand if she were engaged to another man. Dana remembers that this is indeed the case though she doesn't want it to be and admits it, prepared to counter that she wouldn't though, that she wants to be with him. Instead, before she can get the words out, Yamada declares he never wants to see her again and breaks up with her.

Dana, in a panic, tries to get in contact with Yamada for a few days but can't get him on the phone. Finally, she decides to venture into Wasaba by herself at night only to be nearly mugged by robbers. She tells them apathetically that she is going to see Yamada and they instantly back off, not knowing she was 'Yamada's woman'. She wonders about the reputation he'd earned himself as she finally gets to his apartment. Atsuko, Yamada's mother, is leaving for work and offers to let her stay and wait for him. When Yamada arrives, she says she cares for him and doesn't desire to be Domo's wife. He seems reluctant to believe her and she instigates intercourse with him, saying she would only have sex with the man she wanted. Afterward, Dana asked Yamada if there was something he had wanted to do specifically with his life. He thinks on it and says he always wanted to be a doctor. She supports him in the effort and helps him start on the path.

Though Yamada was often the more proactive one with protection, Dana never cared for condoms and often had them go without them. Yamada was reluctant but never one to turn her down. One day during school, she found herself throwing up and fatigued. Thinking she was ill, her parents called the family doctor and had her checked out. It was revealed that at fifteen she was pregnant. Her parents were livid and demanded to know who the father was. She told them it was Yamada, her boyfriend, and about his history. Beside themselves with disgust, they commanded she abort her child for her family's honor. Dana refused and said she'd rather die than get rid of her and Yamada's child. With that, they put her out on the street and told her to see how long she'd last without them and a boyfriend that probably didn't even want a child. Dana was fearful of the same thing but though Yamada was nervous about his upcoming responsibilities as a father, he took her into his mother's home. Dana recognized that Atsuko wasn't pleased with the situation and decided to get a job to help pay her way in the house. An old woman that worked in a small corner jean shop took a chance on Dana and gave her a job hemming pants, pleasantly surprised Dana was quite skilled at it. 

Ultimately, Dana was very happy with her life. She enjoyed the time with Yamada and watching their baby form while working in a job she liked. Yamada was even accepted into college and things were looking up for them. Alas, in Dana's eighth month, her father came to the apartment and informed her if she didn't give up the child and return home to marry Domo that he would turn Yamada in for statutory rape. Dana insisted that she was of the age of consent, that Atsuhiro himself was going to have her married this year. Atsuhiro stated he had Hachiko's "evidence" that she'd been carrying on the relationship since she was thirteen. Yamada was indignant and told Atsuhiro he didn't care what he did to him, that he wasn't going to allow them to hurt her. Nonetheless, Dana recognized all the work and effort Yamada had put in to get into college with a full scholarship and that jail time would ruin everything. Crestfallen, she asked that she have her child first before she returned home. Atsuhiro demands that she give the child up for adoption and forget its existence but Yamada insists that he'll raise it by himself. Dana gives birth to Yagami Shin and returns home. She is shamed and ignored in the household up until her wedding, not four months after giving birth, to Kamaishi Domo.

Dana struggles in the Kamaishi household, a severe place where everyone walked on eggshells. Domo proved to be a twisted man, warped enough to gain pleasure from the sheer misery of others. Dana was expected to sit in her room quietly all day and found out that Domo was carrying on multiple affairs right in the home. Annoyed that this was 'better' than her healthy relationship with Yamada, she finally sneaked out to see her child and Yamada. She found Yamada was often at school and work, hardly at home. She spent time with Shin and wished she could run away. Alas, as it were, she was still only seventeen and viewed as in the custody of her husband until she was eighteen. She hoped that soon it would all end and was temporarily frightened when Yamada found her, angry about her walking in and out at her own convenience while he was drowning in responsibilities. She played it off, recognizing his reasons as sound, and seduced him to calm him down. He did relax somehow but Dana had forgotten about the bruise Domon had given her, punching her in the stomach when she demanded amnesty to walk around the home at least. Yamada told her to wait for him, that he'd pull it together and, though having calmed his violent teenage tendencies, still instructed her to tell her husband that he'd kill him if he laid a hand on her again.

Though only having a few rendezvous with Yamada, she was surprised to find she was pregnant again. She was fearful as Domo and her had never had intercourse that he'd turn her in. Instead he basked in the congratulations and told everyone he hoped it was a little boy that he could play with. Dana was disgusted with him claiming her and Yamada's child. Soon she learned she was carrying twins and grew excited that she'd have children of her own to take care of. Domo returned to his original behavior, carousing around and entirely absent when she went into labor. Despite midwives commanding she give birth at the house, she knew something was wrong and instead went to Subami Hospital. During labor, it's found the oldest twin was struggling to breathe and is extremely frail compared to his healthy brother. Dana is heartbroken when he is kept in the hatch where he makes very little progress. She sees Yamada is working in the hospital but wonders if he too thinks their children are Domo's and if he hates them. To further darken the situation, her healthy baby won't stop crying, refusing any comforts or foods. The doctors can find neither medical reason for the oldest's decline or the younger's upset. She believes they are both going to die and wonders if she's being punished for something. Surprisingly, Yamada randomly takes the weeping younger twin and goes to where his brother is and sets him beside him. The doctors are angry and demands what he thinks he's doing until they recognize that the youngest has finally stopped crying. Dana is relieved and content as both her sons start to do much better over the coming days and thanks Yamada for seeing they needed one another. Yamada was reluctant but she pleaded he name them and he suggested off hand Koji and Nerimaru to which Dana gave the oldest the name "Koji" and the youngest "Nerimaru".

Dana was often forbidden from seeing her babies and she knew it was from Domo seeing the joy she got from being with them both, especially Koji as he needed her the most, still sickly. Annoyed and frustrated with her circumstances, she bought Shin a birthday gift when he turns four. Yamada is weary and irritable again so she instigates intimacy once more in a final plea not to give up just yet. Shocking her, she's pregnant again and once more with twins. She gives birth to Tony and Jill whom are kept hidden from the public as, unlike Koji and Nerimaru, they are blond and blue eyed like their father. However, they are also both removed from her custody and the servants take care of them.

One fateful day, sitting in her room and watching television, she receives a call from the hospital. It is Yamada and he is utterly enraged. She was fearful as he'd never been that angry with her and thought he was going to end it once and for all. Alas, Yamada screams about how she could allow Domo to rape his child. Dana is dumbfounded and demands to know what he means. Four-year-old Koji along with the babies were taken to the hospital by Nerimaru because he was sick. Apparently Koji confessed that Domo had been molesting him for some time and that he threatened Nerimaru if Koji told anyone. Dana is beside herself with horror, rushing to the hospital. She sees all of Koji's bruises and immediately calls the police once another doctor creates a rape report. They usher Domo off to jail and Dana calls her parents, livid, to show them how their "better choice" had chosen to rape a four-year-old child. Instead, the two show up, infuriated with her for turning the man in for something so 'miniscule'. Finally she swears them off, wondering why she'd allowed herself to be trapped so long by their conceptions of society. 

She is heartbroken by the circumstances that brought them together. Her and Yamada must deal with the demons Koji faces. Now that the crimes have stopped, he is despondent and self-destructive. He refused to eat and even threatened to jump of a window to make it all go away. They were uncertain how to deal with this and finally had Koji see a psychologist. The man suggested then that they just force Koji to repress the memory through questionable therapy. While Yamada was hugely against it, Dana just wanted Koji to have a normal life and insisted they go through with it. Yamada had issues with the numbingly effective results but did admit he was happier that Koji was improving and content. 

Dana stayed at home while Yamada worked for a while to see to Koji and also integrating her family back together. All the children got along well, even Shin who was used to being an only child of sorts just living with Yamada, accepting his responsibility as older brother exceedingly well. During this time, Yamada is given a job and promotion and enough of a pay incentive to buy them a house. Despite not wanting to return to that place, he gets them a pretty old style home that had been long abandoned in an affluent neighborhood in Subami. He had it fixed up to Dana's liking and she conceded it was the perfect size for their growing family, having found out she was pregnant with their next child. Despite thinking Yamada had all the reason to leave her, he does ask her to marry him, happy that she stuck with him all this time. She thinks to herself it's the reverse but is overjoyed to finally marry him.

Though she didn't want him to, Yamada receives money from his father whom he'd just met and uses it to finally make her a design firm. He gives her enough money to hire producers and merchandisers and all those involved to make it flourish. She swears to herself that his investment would not go to waste and immediately starts working on a company she names "Yagada", a mixture of her new surname and given name. It takes some time but her designs are well-received at a fashion show and a few socialites ask to wear her creations. Pleased with her life again, she happens to see her siblings at an event. Though they seem to plan to ignore her, her older sister snaps that she has brought shame to the Kobayashi clan, marrying a poor half-breed. Dana assures that she has no plans to call herself a Kobayashi ever again and that they can write her out of history if they wished. All she ever wanted was to be a 'Yagami' and now nothing else mattered.

Personality: Dana has always been strictly pragmatic. In her teens, she dealt with things reasonably and often grew uncomfortable when circumstances were too fantastical. Alas, even she falls in love with someone that her society tells her is incorrect merely because of superficial circumstances and decides to fight for it. This becomes something of a continued aspect of her personality, often going above and beyond for her family to make their wishes come true even when others consider it impossible.

Dana is "strict" in some senses, punishing her sons when they get too rowdy and out of hand. Alas, she allows them to throw parties and have people over. She wants them to feel comfortable enough to do things in the safety of their home and not go out and do something too dangerous but not to go over boundaries either. Additionally, they never have servants and all of them have learned to cook and clean for themselves because Dana doesn't want them to believe themselves incapable of basic functions. While firm, Dana does have a softer side, chastising to a point but knowing when her children and family need tenderness.

Relationships: Dana is always very proud of Shin, thankful that he grew up into a responsible and calm young man despite the circumstances. She wonders about her twin boys, both of them rebellious and mischievous like their father. Alas, all of the siblings recognize that her favorite is Koji despite the two being kind of argumentative. Shin figures it's because Koji is a lot like their father used to be and she enjoys his tenacity. She gets on well with the younger children as well but frankly she's away so much there's hardly much interaction between them within the realms of the story.

Yamada and Dana aren't the most lovey dovey couple in the series but the two are extremely loyal and respectful of each other. They're often off doing their own thing. Dana is a lot less "needy" in a way when it comes to Yamada. She knows she is loyal to him and that he is loyal to her so she doesn't fear anything like affairs or extramarital relationships. They're together a lot to see their children but not often when it comes to themselves. However, in a future short, she has them attend a party on their anniversary and he appears while she's speaking to a group of potential investors, smoking and drinking, two things he'd long given up. He's annoyed she won't pay attention to him on at least their anniversary and she becomes permissive with him, deciding she will spend time with him but telling him she works hard to protect all he'd helped her attain.

Dana has made every character's wedding garb since the very beginning. Typically she makes all the fancy clothing her children and family wear as well.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Legacy: Yagami Yamada

Unwritten spoilers will be whited out.

Name: Yamada (Daniel) Yagami 
(Yamada's mother gave him a middle name as she expected this would be what his American father wanted. Typically Japanese names don't have middle names but Yamada's children and their children have continued this tradition)
Year Born: 1960
Hair Color: blond
Eye Color: blue
Height: 6'1" 1/2 (185 cm)
Ethnicity: 1/2 Japanese, 1/2 American
Career: Neurosurgeon
Introduced in: Steps Toward the Future

Parents: Yagami Atsuko (mother) and James Johnston (father)
Girlfriend/Spouse: Yagami (nee Kobayashi) Dana
Children: Shin, Koji, Nerimaru (Nelly), Tony, Jill, Shaun

History:  In the case of Yamada, ALL of his history will be a spoiler. Beware. Yagami Yamada was born to Yagami Atsuko in lower Wasaba, a poor neighborhood first mentioned in Street Corner. Atsuko worked as a waitress within the restaurant James Johnston happened to visit on a business trip. The two carried on an affair until James returned to the U.S. to his own wife and family. During the affair, Atsuko became pregnant with Yamada but never informed James of his existence, deciding to raise her son as a single mother.

Yamada was bullied frequently growing up, ridiculed and judged for his foreign attributes due to his father. His mother worked two jobs to support them so he spent most of his young life by himself. He attended school where he was often top of the class and was offered scholarship into an excellent high school. Nonetheless, Yamada finished middle school and started to work odd jobs to help support his mother. As Yamada grew older, he was still targeted by bullies but took on an offensive nature to the attacks compared to his prior younger complacency, gaining a reputation in his teenage years as violent. 

Sengoku Soseki
Although he was unpopular amongst a majority of the males in his old neighborhood, he was very popular amongst the women. Yamada was a flirtatious womanizer, spending most of his free time getting into some sort of mischief be it street racing with his friends cars, drinking, smoking, or picking up women. It was during this period he hung out with later revealed characters such as Sengoku Soseki, a very distant cousin of his and Elli's father, and Yamachi Mariko, Elli's, his later daughter-in-law's, mother.

It was by chance and during a "relationship" he carried on with a rich girl named Hachiko that he met Kobayashi Dana. Hachiko pretends to be older than she is and brings Dana and other friends to the park to meet Yamada. He discovers they're younger than him, seventeen at the time, as they're only in junior high, revealed due to their uniforms but isn't particularly bothered by it. Dana is disdainful of him and the two carry on an antagonist relationship for a while because she finds him to be a playboy pretty boy and he thinks she's a prudish busybody, only coming to meet him in the first place because of her sense of honor and knowing Hachiko already has an arranged marriage set aside.

All the same, the two end up spending time with one another because of Hachiko and Yamada starts to see that it's perhaps not Dana who is the problem in the girl's group. When they plan to take some of their male classmates and a group of them to a popular beach, they purposefully leave her out. Yamada ends up accidentally inviting her and the other girls are dismayed. He discovers that despite being just fourteen, Dana had a blossoming figure that caught a lot of male's attention, including his. Hachiko and the other girls proceed to ignore her the rest of the trip so she keeps to herself until Yamada lightly chastises his pseudo-girlfriend that she's being petty and keeps Dana company himself. 

As time goes on, Yamada starts to discover Dana's personality bit by bit. She had goals and dreams and desired to work for them despite that being something he didn't attribute to her upper class. He first discovered that he liked her when she desired to sneak out and see David Bowie perform in Tokyo, a plot very against her nature but depicting her tenacity. Although he recognized his feelings, Yamada grew uncertain how to particularly flirt with Dana as her nature was unlike most of the women he picked up so he often times grew flustered and nervous around her. Dana had a falling out Hachiko whom had grown jealous over the attention they paid to each other. Yamada was irritated when Hachiko ended up calling Dana a floozy and a whore, calling the whole thing off. Hachiko declared that he was just a poor half-breed anyway to which Dana took offense and ended up instigating the relationship with Yamada.

The days they spent dating, Yamada became aware of his social standing in comparison to Dana. She was from a very old and prestigious rich family that lived in Subami, one of the richest neighborhoods in this universe's Japan. He figured she too might just be having a rebellious phase and wanting to dabble with him a bit. However, Dana spent a lot of time with Yamada in the small apartment and never seemed bothered by their smaller dates. While she was there, she revealed her talent for fashion design and sewing by spending a week producing Yamada a suit to wear to an event she wished to sneak him into. 

At the ritzy party, Yamada was further disgruntled by the wealthy and how low he was in social status. He thought he'd never fit in with those people but also believed he'd be worthier of Dana if he was wealthier. It's here where he meets Izumi Craig, his future son-in-law's father. The man asks him if he has a cigarette that isn't "fancy" and that he'd trade him the expensive one he's expected to have. The two hit it off and even hang out after the party, Yamada and him often goofing off and racing around in Craig's '69 Ford Mustang convertible. One particular night, Yamada and him were drunk and Yamada ends up wrecking the car. While Craig's irritated, he's not quite as upset as Yamada figures he should be. Craig once again reminds Yamada of the difference in their classes when he waves it off, stating he could just get another car at his own convenience. While walking home, Yamada is completely disillusioned when Craig reveals that Dana is engaged to another man named Kamaishi Domo, a renown young business man. He calls Dana to ask if this was the case and when she admits it, he declares he never wants to see her again and they break up.

Yamada ends up back in the same parties he used to be in, having angry rebound relations with Mariko after an insane night of drinking. On his way home though he realized that that wasn't what he wanted anymore and that he missed Dana. When he gets back to his apartment, he discovers his mother had allowed Dana into the house when she left for work. She insists that she cares about him and doesn't have any desire to be with Domo. In spite of maintaining a desire to wait to have sex, her and Yamada end up sleeping together and he begins to reevaluate his goals. He remembered thinking in his youth that he wanted to help the sick after featuring many people in their apartment complex grow ill and die. He decided he'll become a doctor and takes the steps to try to get into school while Dana and him maintain their relationship.

Dana was fifteen when it was discovered she was pregnant with his child. Although horrified at first, worried for providing for his impromptu family, Dana's excitement was enough to still his concerns. Her family kicked her out of the house after she refused to abort and they lived together, Dana even getting a job hemming pants to help pay her way in the household. Atsuko was also not pleased Yamada had taken on such a thing so young but he was further determined by his girlfriend's vivacity. Through a long series of exams and tests, he was accepted into a college and he thought everything was going well. Alas, Dana's father, Kobayashi Atsuhiro, came to the apartment when Dana was eight months pregnant and informed her if she didn't give up the child and return home to marry Domo that he would turn Yamada in for statutory rape. While being of the age of consent, Atsuhiro had Hachiko's "evidence" that she'd been carrying on the relationship since she was thirteen. Dana, not wanting to ruin Yamada's endeavors, asked that she have her child first. Yamada insists that he'll raise it and makes the bold proclamation to Atsuhiro that the man would regret this and that he'd be worthy of his daughter. Dana gives birth to Yagami Shin and marries Kamaishi Domo in the following months.

Yamada struggles through college and raising his son by himself with little help from his mother. Balancing school work and a job, he eventually moves closer to his school and has a neighbor watch Shin during the day. Unbeknownst to him, Dana would often come by and see Shin while he was away until one night he came back and found them together. By this point he was worn out by the effort and irritated by her walking in and out at her own convenience. For whatever reason, Dana attributes his mean words to stress and frustration so they once again have sex, cuddling up afterward. Dana informs him of her life in the Kamaishi Mansion where Domo is often away on business and is not above just having his numerous affairs in their bedroom. Yamada wonders why the man even wanted to be married and angrily notes that Dana has bruises. She doesn't want to go but has to, crying for the first time before him. Yamada is once again resolved, allowing her to leave with the remark that she tell her husband he'll kill him if he puts his hands on her again.

The following year, Yamada shadows in the Subami Hospital, at the top of his class and gaining special attention. There he finds Dana giving birth, heartbroken that she's having Domo's children. She ends up having twins but one of them is very sickly and ends up staying in the hatch. The hospital is confused and distraught because for whatever reason the other healthier baby won't stop weeping no matter what they do. Dana is upset because she thinks both of her children are going to die. Yamada came to a realization, however, that they were looking at the case in a purely medical viewpoint. Taking the crying baby into the room and placing him next to his twin, everyone was startled to find he'd calmed and that even the sickly one started to perk up a bit. Yamada was moved more into his calling and Dana asked him to name the twin boys. Reluctant to name children that weren't his, he suggested Koji and Nerimaru for them. 

Five years passed and Yamada managed to graduate top of his class, gaining an internship to the Subami Hospital. He'd seen Dana the year prior when the woman came by to give Shin a birthday present. He begins to wonder if their relationship is based on anything except sex after it occurs a third time. Doing better for himself but still far from the status he knew he needed to be accepted by Dana's family, he starts to consider dating other women just to avoid the pressure. Before he could play with the idea, in a bit of randomness, Nerimaru, four-years-old, shows up at the hospital with a stroller. In it he has his twin Koji and two infants. Yamada was shocked they were all by themselves, Koji also ill and needing attention. He's further alarmed to see that the infants, blond and blue eyed, are most likely his. Yamada comes to the realization that most likely all four of them are his children.

Yamada examines Koji and makes a disturbing discovery. Koji wakes long enough to tell him that the bruises and other physical damage are a result of Domo raping him. He expresses that Domo said he'd rape Nerimaru if he ever told anyone but figures that Yamada is a magical being because of his unusual attributes that are like his younger siblings so he might be able to do something about the situation. Enraged, Yamada calls Dana and screams at her for allowing Domo to rape his children. Dana has no idea what he's talking about, forced to live in another house while the children were cared for by nannies. In despair, she calls her parents and the police. A report is filed and Domo is quickly ushered off to jail, not able to buy off his crime. Dana swears off her parents whom don't seem very concerned with it and are in fact angry she turned her husband in. Dana takes their children to live with Yamada.

Yamada tries his best to take on having a rather large family, making money through interning but hardly enough to feed his children. Dana wants to work but insists she stay with the kids to tend to their emotional state. He agrees and takes on extra jobs to further his income. Finally, one of his teachers recommended him to stand in on a surgery and he gains acclaim for the effort. He's offered a position as a surgeon at the hospital and finally is able to buy a house for them, an old style one in Subami. The couple discovers Dana is pregnant again and he realizes that she's basically been with him this entire time. He asks her to marry him and the two wed before Shaun was born.

Atsuko, whom had been uninvolved in Yamada's life for some years by this point, brings James by to meet him. Yamada isn't particularly interested in meeting his MIA father, having created his image in his head of a negligent philandering man. Surprisingly, James is very upset about not knowing about his son, insistent that he'd have wanted to be involved in his child's life. Against Yamada's wishes, James gives him a substantial check for all the years he wasn't there. Though he wanted to refuse, his father wouldn't have it and asked that in return Yamada, if he ever had the time, just call him once a year. Yamada accepted and used the money to sponsor a small business for Dana to start a fashion design firm which with time bloomed into a world renown business known as Yagada. When being honored for his upstart in the medical field, Yamada ran into Atsuhiro who still maintained he wasn't good enough to have married his daughter. Yamada retorted he was always good enough compared to what Atsuhiro considered the best and the two have never spoken again.

Personality: Yamada in his teenage years was abrasive and blunt, sometimes temperamental and sometimes very apathetic. Koji's current personality mirrors his greatly. He felt he had a lot to prove for having foreign blood, something that got him picked on and abused for a majority of his life. He was quite reckless and often times gave very little regard to his life. On top of that, he was a notorious playboy in the old neighborhood, dating and carousing with women frequently.

In Yamada's older years, he is very mild-mannered, very polite and courteous in comparison. He's always out to help those in need and is a workaholic when it comes to his job, much like his wife. There are rare circumstances when his snark and less refined behavior resurfaces, such as when Dana declared he was a manwhore to Elli during the resolution chapter Answers to which he responds sulkily that he "was a manwhore" or growing angry when Kyo hid having cancer from the family in Lessons in Life, using chemotherapy when far better treatments had been found, saying that it was "bull".

Relationships: While Yamada has a very strong relationship with Shin, having raised the boy longer than having had a family, he's got a slightly lesser relationship with Koji and Nelly. He finds the boys often behave a lot like he used to and that worries him. Alas, he's usually the first to advocate for them if Dana is being too nagging and grows angry when Soseki insults Nelly in Answers, proclaiming that regardless of his opinion, that's still his son. He has a good relationship with the rest of his children as well but frankly he's away so much there's hardly much interaction between them within the realms of the story.

Yamada and Dana aren't the most lovey dovey couple in the series but the two are extremely loyal and respectful of each other. They're often off doing their own thing but Yamada's not above dropping something to cater to his wife though the same might not be applicable to her. In a future short, Yamada finds himself at a fancy affair on their anniversary and wonders when the last time they'd celebrated it alone. With Craig's provocation he has a shot of brandy despite not having had a heavy drink in years. Finding the brand is quite good, he has a few more before dissolving back into his almost teenage behavior, demanding a cigarette and speaking informally. Disgruntled when he sees Dana speaking with another group, promoting Yagada, he marches over and promptly tells her how he feels about it. Though she's annoyed he's taken to drinking and smoking again suddenly, she becomes a lot more permissive with him, causing Koji and Nelly to remark that perhaps their mother does prefer his rebellious side.


Yamada has a tattoo curling around his bellybutton that reads 'rebel'. Why he hasn't thought to have it removed is up to question (Mentioned in This Love).

Yamada briefly taught at his former alma mater which is where he met the late Doctor Tsumaru whom was killed in Step Towards the Future by Yamachi Rick, Popuri's brother.

As it is, Yamada was friends with three of his children's future spouse's parents when he was younger (Mariko as Elli's mother), Soseki, and Craig (Cliff's dad).

In the first rendition of the story, Yamada nor Dana were all that particularly wealthy. The two just happened to meet one day when she was arranged to marry Domo and had a continuing affair. As with this story, all of the children were his except Shaun, then Shawn, who was Domo's only child.


Monday, September 2, 2013

Did You Notice!?: Harvest Moon Legacy (Middle Name) Quiz

1) Nelly has a variety of names but in Step Towards the Future, when Elli rejects his rather spontaneous proposal of marriage, she tells him she doesn't even know what his middle name is. What is Nelly's middle name?

A) Aaron
B) Nerimaru
C) Daisuke
D) He doesn't have one

2) One of the absolute cheesiest things Chihaya ever said (wrote) in Yume regarded what Rosa was in his life based on her initials. What is Rosa's middle name?

A) Arise
B) Angela
C) Ashley
D) Ophelia

3) In Leave Out All the Rest, when Joe was suggesting Kurt go ahead and ask Carrie to marry him, he mused that there was already a dancer in America named Carrie Ann Inaba. Kurt remarked that Carrie's middle name wasn't Ann though. What's Carrie's middle name?

A) Jill
B) Claire
C) Emma
D) Elizabeth

4) In Lessons in Life, because Joe and Hotaru were so grateful, whom did they name their kids after middle name wise?

5) I listed Kamon's middle name as Ichiro in the old profiles but it's not technically canon anymore. He told his mom, Roomi, in Answers that he thought the only reason they gave them middle names was to give them more time to yell at them. What is Kamon's middle name?

A) Ichi
B) Ro
C) Seiichi
D) Loki

 6) Jyun shares his middle name with a current character from Otome introduced in Yume. What's Jyun's middle name?

A) Kaoru
B) Eiji
C) Matt
D) Dirk

7) Chika and Matt had a conversation in the epilogue of Yume about her middle name, Matt remarking he'd like a good ninja name. What is Chika's middle name?

A) Chihaya
B) Arise
C) Rie
D) Rin

Bonus: We've never even met this character but Shaun's daughter Lena's middle name was dedicated to an Final Fantasy 7 character that didn't quite make the cut in so many words.

Answers (Highlight) :
1) C
2) A
3) D
4) Kyo and Gwen
5) C
6) A
7) C
Bonus: Aeris